The Bay Islands have waterfront blocks with a range of stunning bay views, to the north, south, east and west.
Each of these blocks have a unique set of design prinicples that need to be addressed prior to your purchase of the block, to ensure that your requirements can be met.
Curlew Homes can determine from the start any hidden difficulties that your potential block may have.
The Bay Islands have a plentiful supply of more secluded blocks, surrounded by flora and fauna.
Bush blocks have a tranquility that appeals to many seeking seclusion, and present a different set of costs and challenges when developing.
Curlew Homes is adept at building efficient and affordable homes for these sites.
For those wishing to have easy access to ferries, shops, medical facilities and schools, there are a range of blocks still available in close proximity to these services throughout the islands.
Prior to purchase, Curlew Homes can determine if your potential block will be able to accommodate your needs.